Friday, April 06, 2007


The 7 tarsal bone combine with the 5 metatarsals to form the longitudinal and traverse arches of the foot.

The talus articulates superiorly with the distal tibia and fibula at the ankle joint.

The Calcaneus forms the hell of the foot, supports talus and articulates anteriorly with the cuboid(3th largest tarsal bone)

The metatarsals articulate proximally with the cubid and three cuneiforms.

The 7th tarsal = the navicular, is interposed between the head of the talus and these cuneiforms.


called=Astragalus in other animals.

second largest in tarsal and is placed between the tibia and fibula superiorly and the calcaneus inferiorly.

no muscle attach to this bone.

It rests atop the calcaneus and articulates distally with the navicular.It forms the lower member of the talocrural joint.

tarsal parts are:





groove for flexor hallucis longus

calcaneal (subtalar articular)

sulcus tali


Heel bone

largest tarsal bone (second largest tarsal bone:talus/third:cuboid) + largest bone of the foot

it is located inferior to the talus and articulates anteriorly(distally) with the cuboid.

calcaneus parts are:

calcaneal tuber

lateral /medial processes

sustentaculum tali

sustentacular sulcus (groove)

peroneal tubercle


sits on the lateral side of the foot sandwiched between the calcaneus and fourth and fifth metatarsals,articulating with the navicular and 3th cuneiform.

it is recognized by its large size and projecting,pointed,proximal articular surface. it is the most cuboidal or cube-shaped,of the tarsal bones.

The cuboid tuberosity is a large tuberosity on the inferolateral surface of the bone.


it is named for the strongly concave proximal surface that articulates with the head of the talus.

On the distal surface the navicular has a large facet divided by 2 ridges.

These set off the articular planes the 3 cuneiforms.

navicular often articulates with a large,blunt projection on the medial side of the bone.this tubercle is the main insertion of the Tibialis Posterior Muscle, a planter flexor of the foot and toes.

Medial (firsth)cuneiform

largest in 3 cuneiform.

sits between navicular and the base of the first metatarsal,articulating with these as well as the second cuneiform and the base of the MT2.It is the less wedge-shape than the other cuneiform and it is distinguished by the kidney-shaped facet for the base of the first metatarsal.

Intermediate (second) cuneiform

smallest of three is located between the navicula and second meta tarsal.also it articulates on either side with the first and third cuneiforms.

Lateral (third) cuneiform

it is the intermediate in size between the others,it is located in the center of the foot, articulating distally with the second,third and fourth metatarsals.medially it contacts the intermediate cuneform, laterally the cuboid, and proximally the navicular.

Tarsal ossifies from 1 center:(calcaneus is the exception) which has anepiphysis at its posterior end.

Most the tarsals are larger than carpals, they are more often recovered from archaeological sites.


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