
largest seamoid bone,articulated with the patellar surface of the distal femur(patellar notch). The patella rides in the Tendon the caudriceps femoris- the largest muscle of thigh and the primaay extensor of the knee. The patella functions to protect the knee joint, to lenghthen the lever arm of the quadricep, and to increase the area of contact between the patellar tendon and the femur.
Patella parts are:
Lateral articular facet
medial articular facet
the patella ossifies from a single center.
this bone might be mistaken for an os coxae fragment, but only in vary fragmentary state. The acetabulum of the os coxae is strongly hollowed, as opposed to the much flatter articular surface of the patella.
Patella is triangular in shape.its thin,pointed apex is distal, and the thicker, blunter end is proximal.
the lateral articular facet (articulates with the lateral condyle of the femur)= larger of the two facets.
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